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Abraham Starosta

Sr Applied ML Scientist @ Splunk

As an engineer, I had the privilege of working with Abraham on our joint project, Siembra, an iOS app catering to women by offering them an array of romantic stories. Abraham's exceptional talent for understanding users' needs was a game-changer for our project. His direct interaction with users, handling of content creation, steering design choices, and precise requirement gathering for the application, were all critical factors to our success. Our app reached 10,000 downloads in the first few months, all without any external marketing. 

On a personal note, Abraham is one of the most cooperative and energizing individuals I have ever worked with. He consistently brings an infectious positive attitude to the team, contributing significantly to a healthy, engaging, and productive work environment. Abraham's combination of soft skills and technical product management acumen make him a unique asset, and I firmly believe that any technology company would be fortunate to have him. I confidently endorse Abraham Benguigui for any position requiring leadership, innovation, and dedication.


Meir Messingher Lang

Founder | ex-Facebook+Apple | Stanford Aeronautics & Astronautics

We loved working with Abraham as our Product Manager at Witbee. His exceptional dedication with a hands-on mentality was contagious. Abraham's problem-solving skills and passion for continuous learning allowed us to have top-notch engaging content as Witbee launched on the App Store. He fostered collaboration, communicated effectively, and inspired the team to achieve our goals. We were fortunate to have him on our team, and I am confident he will continue to excel in the future.


John (JP) Rindfleisch

Sustainability Task Force SME - Quality

Navigating the writing process can be daunting, but having a co-writer like Abraham Benguigui makes it a smooth, efficient, and ultimately enriching experience. Abe's exceptional project management skills have been a lighthouse guiding us through the creative storm since we embarked on our book series in early 2020.
Abe excels at maintaining structure and balance, even when we're knee-deep in story creation. From the start, he introduced a project timeline, meticulously breaking down each activity and formulating realistic estimations for completion. This strategic roadmap not only streamlined our process but also held us accountable, turning our lighthearted brainchild into a tangible reality.
Working with Abe, I came to realize that the essence of a successful writer isn't confined to imagination and creativity - it's intrinsically linked to effective communication, seamless collaboration, and yes, skillful project management. Despite having other full-time commitments, Abe consistently demonstrated flexibility and responsiveness, promptly adjusting our schedules to overcome unforeseen challenges.
Among Abe's many qualities, his unique blend of compassion and professionalism shines brightly. Collaborating on a series inevitably leads to hard conversations, from emotional resonance of our narratives to the practicalities of contracts and finances. Abe's clear and empathetic communication style transformed these potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones towards progress.
What I appreciate most about Abe is his unwavering passion and commitment to our shared project. Each story we weave surpasses its predecessor, a testament to his unwavering enthusiasm, dedication, and profound love for the craft. There's a contagious energy to his passion, and it's been a privilege to journey alongside someone as kind and wonderfully passionate as him.
To anyone fortunate enough to work with Abraham Benguigui, prepare to discover more than a skilled project manager. You'll find a partner who invests his heart and soul into transforming your shared vision into reality. His work ethic, meticulousness, and warm collegiality have undoubtedly made our writing journey worthwhile.

©2023 by Abraham Benguigui.

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